Daniel Johnston Menezes

Game Developer, Font Designer & Green Activist

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New Solaria
Also known as Niria Tress
New Solaria
New Solaria after the Solarians consume all of the natural resources
Niria Tactics series
Full LocationNirian System

New Solaria is the third planet in the Nirian System in the game Niria Tactics. In the past it was a lush, green planet with many natural resources to allow for life to flourish.

Three decades prior to the events of Niria Tactics, the Solarians come to the Nirian System seeking a new home after destroying their home planet. The Nirians give the Solarians "Niria Tress" and allow them to colonise the planet, calling it New Solaria.

The Solarians soon consume all of the natural resources on New Solaria just like they did on their home planet, and start a war to take over Niria Dupli instead.

New Solaria serves as the setting for the bonus level at the very end of Niria Tactics after the final boss.

Characters found in New Solaria