Daniel Johnston Menezes

Game Developer, Font Designer & Green Activist

🎮 Games CharactersLocationsJams 🔤 Fonts 🫙 GMC Jam DB Chequered Ink 🔗 Earthize 🔗
DeveloperChequered Ink
Release Date10/07/2015
Windows Phone

inkPal is a small application that allows you to create colors by editing RGB and HSV values or by using the built-in color picker. You can then save the colors to your list to use later.

This is the perfect app for web designers, graphics designers and game artists alike! Create colors on your phone as you travel for use in your designs later on. The app outputs the color’s number (for use in GameMaker: Studio and similar software) as well as hexadecimal color codes in both RGB and BGR format.

Characters in InkPal

Locations in InkPal