Daniel Johnston Menezes

Game Developer, Font Designer & Green Activist

🎮 Games CharactersLocationsJams 🔤 Fonts 🫙 GMC Jam DB Chequered Ink 🔗 Earthize 🔗
The plunder in the default "Punch" elemental armor

Jam VersionSprite from the GMC Jam version of Plunder Dungeons
The Plunderer is the main hero character in Plunder Dungeons.

Players choose their hero's name, which will also be shown on the global leaderboard whenever they set a new highscore.

The Plunderer starts with 10HP, basic Fist armor, and one each of Fire, Earth, Water, Plant and Sludge elements in their inventory (GMC Jam version) or 12HP, basic Punch armor, and one each of Fire, Earth, Water, Plant and Electric elements in their inventory (2022 version).

The hero can then use any of the 51 elements (GMC Jam) or 100 elements (2022) in Plunder Dungeons as either armor or weaponry, having different effects for each element.